29 March 2012

Outlook 2010 and the curse of the invisible mail rules...

I just had a fun morning troubleshooting outlook. My mailbox had certain rules stopping noisy/mis-configured monitoring servers from popping up in my inbox all day. The monitoring server was repaired today and I wanted to remove the rule that pushed the "noise" mail to a particular folder and marked it as read... Easy enough, navigated to manage rules in Outlook 2010 and... huh? It looks like there are no rules pushing the false-positive alerts to the folder. Mails are still definitely being redirected though. This must be fixed!

Just to be sure, I disable all rules in Outlook and wait for a few monitoring alerts to come through and of course they are still being caught by an invisible rule somewhere, and being moved to the specific folder and marked as read. So what's going on here?

A few minutes Google-teching the issue I came across a few possible ways to resolve the issue.

  1. Quick-rebuild the Outlook profile - Remove profile in Windows Mail control panel item and pull it down again from Exchange server. This didn't work for me...
  2. Hard-rebuild of Outlook profile - Remove the profile completely (navigate to and delete AppData files/etc) and pull it down from the server again. Again, this didn't work for me...
  3. Break the rule - Removed the Outlook folder that contains the moved monitoring mails and also rebooted Outlook with a "/clearrules" argument - This worked...

I know that removing folders that rules rely upon to breaks the Outlook rule logic thus the rule stops... so this may have resolved it. I am thinking the "/clearrules" flag also helped as well.

Which one fixed it? Not exactly sure... but it works now. Regardless, hopefully this helps someone else...